          王牌大賤諜 20110525 關賤時刻 王牌大賤諜-20110525-關賤時刻/ Part 1 At 00:22/11:45You so called Talk Show 王牌大賤諜  alike, should do your fair and balance duty to demand your Court to proscute all form 找房子al News Media (so called "5.Myan.One") first before your sucking shameless cold cold hard brainless Court can have that shameless to chase any powerless forceless pri 土地買賣vate individual speech right in any way. Like Chinese said "Yao.Yan.Zhi.Yu.Zhi.Jer", you sucking media can have that suck to spread no way confirmed report, you sucking media must be 土地買賣 the first one to face your Court's sentence, you all talk show like 王牌大賤諜  康熙來了 天黑請閉眼 ...... showed "Pen.Told" and all movie filmPopular Dramas makers/players/broadcasters must be th 訂做禮服e second one to be sentenced after News Media before you all sucking screened liars can have that shameless brainless cold cold hard to point finger to any powerless forceless individual voice. Part 1 At 00:56-00"58/11:45 "Jea 裝潢n.Gwon.Bay.Hung.Sung.Far.Bond" "現在.Joe.Done.Shore.Hide.Ren.True.Myan.Zhi.Cone"That can only tell that so called "Hung.Sung.Far.Bond" "現在.Joe.Done.Shore.Hide.Ren.True.Myan.Zhi.Cone" 的 "Official" committed the crime of "Obstruction of Just 室內裝潢ice" caught on that "Official" "Hung.Sung.Far.Bond" That officially force your Court must have to sentence that "Official" to death. Because the criminal who committed the crime of "Obstruction of Justice" officially, must not be allowed to have a say in any way. --- 室內設計-------------------------------------------- Part 4 at 00:08/11:33( 王牌大賤諜-20110525-關賤時刻/) "Jean.Zhong.John.Whore.Jean.Mar.John" That how your Court should do the duty to sentence your Government official death for the crime they committed n 租辦公室ot only to sided with liars but also reward liars, that how your Court should demand/tell your military to kill all your News Media workers/owners/watchers/supporters for the crime they failed to do the duty to kill your sucking government official or failed to do the duty to demand your military to kill your s 賣房子ucking government official immediately.Therefore, you should know that "5.11" did not "Way.Yan.Sung.Tin" at all, because that "Yu.Zhen" showed that your entire Taiwanese deserve to be killed immediately.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 售屋網  .

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