          Nuclear yourself and go to hell USA, less evil than pieces away "Sheng.Boot.Rule.4" When you allow your stupid bad ugly evil US Secretary sees God's order like nothing(You stupid bad ugly evil US 酒店打工A dare allow your US Secretary see God's order like nothing, how dare not expect every foreigner see you man made form orde 房地產r or rule like nothing? How could you stupid bad ugly evil USA have the shame to expect or demand anyone to respect your man made form rule or order?), 節能燈具when you allow your stupid bad ugly evil US Secretary sees Chinese best moral value "男女有別" like nothing(You stupid bad ugly evil USA dare allow your stupid bad ugly evi 節能燈具 l US Secretary see Chinese best moral value like nothing, how could you hav the shame to expect or demand anyone respect whatever your American value in any way?) , when your stupid bad ugl 個人信貸y evil US Secretary shamelessly tool China Communist media to try to fool "5.Her.Zhi.Zhong", try to tool China Communist to send secret code to underground chained slavery terrors you darkly planted around the wor 烤肉食材ld, you should wish you to be nucleared gone with wind rather sooner than later. Shame on 0bama and 0bama slaves, too stupid bad ugly evil to show his honest guts to haul down the entire Secretary Department to ground zero, to sav 帛琉e American tax payers from falling into hells, to help all American out of overseas travel call, to make all import/export smuggling run out of office to suck. What a pity to miss the best opportunity to show his power of honesty to make up his 結婚treason crimes. When you cannot find the best first qulaity mankind to lead any of your department, you must rather to tear down that entire department than hire any less than the best to lead. Like Chinese said "寧缺毋濫". You stupid bad ugly evil 0bama cannot even have the good 土地買賣 sense and brain cell to see this Chinese common point, how dare you think you can have the ability to lead anyone to fight any war on the ground, not mention underground. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 膠原蛋白  .

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