          國民大會:末日預言人心慌(1/5) 20091026 國民大會:末日預言人心慌(1/5) 20091026 The Earth does not owned by human, just like your President does not owned your Nation (That how you need to kill all your existing former Presidents. Otherwise, you must not be allowed to deserve that President name.). Human must be the most minority in your Earth, when human polualtion too much to deserve the minority form, the human form must be killed, 21世紀房屋仲介 when you have no way to kill the human form to make them to be the most minority, the entire Earth must be locked down by the falling Fire Ball. ----------------------------------------------------------------------國民大會:末日預言人心慌(2/5) 20091026 2012/2013 That how you need to nuclear the entire Continent of America immediately; because if you d 房屋貸款on't have guts to do it as soon as possible, you can expect USA evilest liars politicians slaved US military member to commit the crime of lie like they committed in 9.11.2001 to play any phony role to nuclear anyone of you, then use that execuse to nuclear the rest of you, so that USA evilest liars politicians gangsters can lie whatever they like and when you come again, you will become one of American werewolves to mee 住商房屋t the fire ball burning down to lock the entire Earth in endlessly. ---------------------------------------------------------------------國民大會:末日預言人心慌(3/5) 20091026 "Wheel.根" When a man to have sex driven by his real sex drive with a woman who really likes to have sex with him to give a birth, that baby must have the good better best "Wheel.根". When a man to have sex with a 設計裝潢good will woman he really like to have, and he is that man whom she really like to have sex with, that man can get that "Wheel.根" that Chinese said "Child.Inn.Boot.Young". That how you must not ever have sex with anyone lightly, because you have sex with lie, you are committing the worse crime of lie, because sex is crime-"Sin", you have sex with lie, you committed double unforgivable crimes; that how you know how to read and write, you must not have sex with 西服anyone, because you know how to read and write, you are supposing promote to formless up, like Chinese said "Boot.Jean.Jer.Tway", you are supposing promote to formless up, formless must not have physical sex, you committed the physical sex after you know how to read and write, you have to down size to lower than human form. Because the Ghost site try you with your crime, therefore, you can have all your right to dispute any your good remaining deserve you to keep your human form, therefore, 關鍵字廣告man can rely on his good will and good strength to kill anyone the most merciful way to prove he can do better than mother natural to give anyone the most merciful way to leave to keep his human man form come again. Therefore, if you know you born by sex of lie, or you committed the crime of lie, you are man, you have to make sure you can have the best will and best skill to kill anyone under one best gun shot to show you can do better than Mother Natural to kill, so that you can deserve come again to keep your man 住商房屋form. If you are woman, you have no right to rely on kill to keep your human form in any way. That how woman is second to man, must do her best to stay at her own place (because stay at her own home, she can have the best luck to keep her honest power; and even she lies, she can be absolutely forgivable because she has all her right to lie as she likes inside her own place. That how woman must not ever work for public office, because public official must have no right to be at self, no matter where that official may be.) , not ever to initi 宜蘭民宿ate sex crime with anyone. -----------------------------------------------------------------國民大會:末日預言人心慌(4/5) 20091026 China will be the strongest nation (Because China does not rely on force, China can be the strongest, because they have all good better best national leader agree with Chinese best moral value "Show.Sheng. 7.Job. Zhi.Gwall.Ping.Ten.Shot" rule. It can happen, only after NATO does their righteous duty nuclear entire Continent of America. You don't nuclear entire Continent of America, 借貸your Earth must have to be locked down by the falling Sun, not if but when.) Because China stand the time test proved China not only can be good winner, but also can be good loser (That 8 years war between Japan and Republic of China happened not only in Mainland China, but also happened under Japan First fire. That how Japan Kingdom surrendered Taiwan back to the Republic of China.). "印.Deed.Ann.人" is a lie, liar has no way to see things right.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 房屋買賣  .

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